GP Surgery Waste Removal service in Shaftesbury, Dorset, SP7, 01747 416026.
Our GP Surgery Waste Removal services are comprehensive, meaning we can take virtually all waste accumulated in your store and dispose, re-use, recycle or repurpose it accordingly.
Why recycle your GP Surgery Waste.
Research shows that we are at a critical point in protecting our environment. That is why we can guarantee that all waste cleared and collected from your store will be either reused, rehomed or recycled before we even consider disposal.
We pledge to seek the most eco-friendly route possible for your waste, so you can know that you are doing the most for the environment. Thus far, we have prevented 90 percent of all waste collected from ending up in a landfill through our recycling pledge.
Free GP Surgery Waste Removal Services.
White Goods Collection(Not Including Fridge/Freezers)
Electrical items.
Scrap Metal Collection including Metal Filing Cabinets.
Acid Battery Collection(Car, Van & UPS Backup)
Computer/WEEE Disposal.
Mobility Aids Recycling.
Chargeable GP Surgery Waste Removal Services.
Fridges, Freezers, Fridge/Freezers.
Air Conditioners(Mobile & Fixed)
Furniture Clearance.
Fluorescent Tubes/Bulbs.
T/v & Computer Monitor Disposal.
Toner Printer Cartridges.
For more information on what our team can and cannot take (or for a free quote), give us a call. We will be happy to provide you with a more detailed list of our services and information on how we can help with your next GP Surgery refurbishment, stock clear out, or general waste removal.
Always use a clearance company with a waste carrier licence.